Wellington Point family giving out free produce ordered to destroy patch

A Wellington Point family known for handing out free produce has been ordered to dig up their patch despite never being issued with a breach notice.
Matthew and Bec Ashwell maintain a veggie patch on the verge outside their house to supply neighbours with fresh produce.
But despite the project’s popularity, the garden could be razed in a matter of days, unless the Ashwells comply with strict guidelines from Council.
“We would actually be obstructing the footpath, in our opinion, so we’re trying to position it away from the boundary,” Mr Ashwell told Sofie Formica.
Redland City Council claims it has received ‘numerous’ complaints about the property, which Mr Ashwell says have been unsubstantiated.
“For a number of years now, we’ve had Council come around to discuss the state of our chooks.
“This year was the first time about bees, because now people can see boxes for bees.
“Basically, we’ve never had anything to alter. We just have somebody nearby who just wants everything their own way.”
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Image: Supplied