Whistleblower’s staggering claim after Grandma’s horror hospital injuries

A whistleblower has made a staggering claim after Hornsby Hospital insisted an elderly woman sustained horror injuries from a fall.
The woman, referred to as ‘Mrs B’, had spent some time in hospital for assessment, but when her family came to take her home they found bruises to her face and neck, and cuts to her arm.
Police investigated the incident but the hospital maintains the 83-year-old fell.
Now, a whistleblower inside the hospital has contacted The Ray Hadley Morning Show alleging Mrs B was restrained when she walked towards the lifts, pushed and dragged back towards her bed.
“I’m not suggesting that this was a deliberate attack on an elderly person,” Ray Hadley said.
“The injuries could not have been from a fall alone!
“Someone escorting the 83-year-old dementia patient from the lift back to her bed in my opinion has used excessive force.”
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NSW Police Assistant Commissioner Mark Jones told Ray CCTV footage was never requested by investigators.
“For what it’s worth, Ray, the information was that the injuries were consistent with a fall.
“At that point in time that’s what we had, now that’s all changed this morning of course.”
He’s assured Ray they’ve reopened the investigation.
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