‘We’re not listening to the Twitter crazies’: Peter Dutton

Peter Dutton says his government isn’t taking advice from “Twitter crazies” over their handling of the sports funding scandal.
The Home Affairs Minister is standing by former sports minister Bridget McKenzie, who has been fighting allegations of ‘pork-barrelling’.
Although the Prime Minister has now asked the head of his department to investigate the claims of mismanagement, Peter Dutton says they’re “not hanging people out to dry”.
“We’re not listening to the Twitter crazies,” he tells Ray Hadley.
“We are looking at the facts and we make decisions based on that.”
He also issued a strong rebuke of NSW Environment Minister Matt Kean, who has been criticised for claiming federal frontbenchers are divided on the government’s response to climate change.
Ray Hadley: “Have you heard of Matt Kean?”
Peter Dutton: “Never. I don’t think outside of a three square kilometre block in Sydney people have heard of him, and I wouldn’t give him publicity. I think he should mind his own business and I think he should concentrate, frankly, on his own responsibilities.”
Click PLAY below to hear the full interview
Prime Minister orders investigation into Bridget McKenzie over sports grants
‘It’s all unhelpful’: Deputy Premier hits out at Environment Minister Matt Kean