Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles get a boost in the recent federal budget

Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles got a boost in the recent federal budget with a $2
billion dollar pledge to help kick-start the green hydrogen industry. The
“Hydrogen Headstart” scheme is designed to see Australia producing and
exporting hydrogen fuel using renewable energy which can then be used in
applications such as hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVS). Electric cars
also benefited with a $7.4 million dollar boost establishing stricter fuel efficiency
standards making it harder to sell internal combustion cars in Australia. Plug-in
hybrid electric vehicles received a blow however, the Government to now strip
their current fringe benefits tax exemption. The Government is also reducing the
instant Asset write-off scheme reducing the amount claimable from $150,000 to
$20,000, effective July 1, which will have a big impact on the sale of dual cab
utes. I’m David Berthon
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