‘No one takes responsibility’: Questions dodged over ‘disgusting’ land deal

The federal government’s $27 million overspend on a block of land near the Western Sydney Airport is once again under scrutiny, in the wake of their response to Australia Post’s spending.
Deborah Knight invited Energy Minister Angus Taylor to address the issue.
“If the behaviour of [Australia Post CEO] Christine Holgate is described as disgusting, then surely this land deal can be described, equally, as disgusting?”
Mr Taylor denied any link between the two scandals, opting to wait until the inquiry concluded to comment further.
“The important point here is we are building a new city in the outer west of Sydney which will create local jobs, create local opportunities.
“This issue needs to be dealt with no question … [but] let’s let these things play out.”
Shadow agriculture minister Joel Fitzgibbon accused the Morrison government of double standards.
“This is a government that loves an inquiry.
“No one ever takes responsibility.”
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