Dingo-proof fence announcement welcome news amid Fraser Island’s tourism boom

It is hoped the dingo-proof fence will be erected by December on Fraser Island’s Orchid Beach, after two dingo attacks this year.
The Queensland government announced $2 million will be spent to erect the fence.
This news is a breath of relief for both locals and tourists.
Deputy Mayor of the Fraser Coast Regional Council, Darren Everard said Orchid Beach had grown in popularity for tourists.
“I really do welcome it,” he told Scott Emerson.
“When the other townships on the island a number of years ago, it would have been great if in hindsight it had of been rolled out all at once.
“Fraser Island has experienced a massive growth in visitation numbers since COVID.”
He said visitors still need to take heed of the warnings around dingoes.
‘I just want everyone to realise you are coming to a wildnerness area. Would you go and swim in a creek at Kakadu?”
He said there will be a process to go through, including consulting with the local Indigenous people.
“I am hoping we would see some action well and truly before the Christmas rush.”
Press PLAY to hear more from the local deputy mayor
Dire warning after another attack on a young child at Fraser Island