Brisbane Lord Mayor tells Queenslanders not to panic

Brisbane is in the middle of election fever with the state poll in October and the local government elections at the end of the month.
Current Lord Mayor, Adrian Schrinner hopes to retain the top job which will spell another four years of leadership for the incumbent LNP administration.
With a lot of big issues to tackle, including coronavirus, Mr Schrinner tells Deborah Knight they are taking the outbreak very seriously but wants to stress it’s important to put this in perspective.
“It is not unsafe to go out in Brisbane, it is perfectly safe.
“These things become a self-fulfilling prophecy if people stop going out…. then the impact will be even bigger.”
Click PLAY below to listen to the full interview
Labor’s Patrick Condren is running up against Mr Schrinner for the position of Lord Mayor.
Deb Knight probed Mr Schrinner about his Labor opponent’s catchphrase ‘Residents Not Rorts’ and the allegations of LNP misuse of funds.
“It’s a political lie,” says Mr Schrinner
“Ultimately, Labor has decided to focus on what they think will win them a few votes.
“Absolutely false allegations… they have no information or evidence to back it up.”