Volunteer firefighter saved 13 lives in old patrol car

A brave firefighter has told the story of how he saved the lives of more than 10 people with an old patrol car.
Volunteer firefighter Nathan Barnden saved the lives of 13 people during the New Years Eve fires in Quaama near Bega.
The 26-year-old was defending the town when they got word a number of people were trapped in homes.
He tells Alan Jones they drove into the fires and managed to pack 13 people into a five-seater car.
“There was a family of seven who was stuck inside a burning home. When we got there we had to drive through one of the most intense firefronts I’ve ever been in my life.
“There were a few moments on the way where I thought, ‘this is it’.
“When we got to them three-quarters of their house was on fire… everything was burning.
“One of the most intense and terrifying moments of my life and I’m very glad we did it.”
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Image: Getty/Peter Parks