Time’s up for ‘George’ the talking clock

At the third stroke after midnight on October 1, Australia’s talking clock will cease to exist.
After 66 years of providing us with the exact time at the push of a button, the clock nicknamed ‘George’ will fall silent.
The 1194 number is still dialled about two million times a year.
But despite this Telstra is pulling the plug, claiming the service was not compatible with its new network technology.
Ray Hadley called up the number for one last time.
Click PLAY below to hear what he had to say
Informatel runs the service but the final decision is in the hands of Telstra.
Informatel chairman Dennis Benjamin tells Ross Greenwood there is still hope.
“We’re very optimistic that another carrier will pick up the number.
“I think that’s going to be a great news story.”
Click PLAY below to hear the full interview