The Richies find new ways to celebrate hero on Day 2 of SCG Test

Due to coronavirus restrictions, The Richies may not be in full force at the second day of the SCG Test this year, but the cream/beige/white/off-white suits and silver hair plan to come together virtually.
‘Day Tchoo’ of the SCG Test is Richie Day, which came about after a group of friends set out to commemorate Richie Benaud in his final year of commentary.
Since 2016, the group has grown from 10 to a sea of silver and cream.
While this year will prevent many Richies from attending the Test in person, co-founder Michael Hennessy said the group will “try and build a Richie Day experience for everyone who’s playing along online at the same time.”
“[We’re] getting all our members to dress up and send in pics and have a few laughs,” he told Mark Levy.
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Image: Matt King – CA/Cricket Australia via Getty Images