Slim pickings: fruit and veg growers in labour shortage ‘crisis’

The Australian Fresh Produce Alliance is warning of tough times ahead as the industry’s worsening labour shortage could push up grocery prices.
Growers are experiencing a bumper season but there’s nobody to harvest the produce.
A shortage of backpackers as international borders remain closed is coupled with a reluctance from locals to move to rural areas to pick fruit despite generous government incentives.
AFPA CEO Michael Rogers has told Brooke Corte the current methods of attracting workers aren’t working.
“One grower has been short 150 people for about three months and had tried a range of measures to attract people and to keep them on the farm,”
“There are some immediate challenges for growers but there’s also an industry-wide challenge which will carry into next year and affect all of us when we go to buy our fruit and vegetables,”
Click play to hear the full interview: