‘Scandalous’ climate change protests shut down CBD’s across Australia

Alan Jones says children are being used for a political agenda as thousands across the world prepare to march in the fight against climate change.
Top schools around Australia are telling students they will not be penalised for participating in the School Strike 4 Climate.
The global strike will likely see thousands of Australian students skip school to take part and put pressure on the federal government to address climate change.
Roads in Sydney’s CBD will be closed from 10am due to the marches and Brisbane is expecting as many as 20,000 people at a CBD protest from Queens Park.
The Daily Telegraph reports psychologists are treating children as young as 10 who are experiencing anxiety from climate change fearmongering.
Alan Jones says adults have a lot to answer for.
“This sort of stuff is frightening young people.
“Young people are going to be concerned, they believe their teachers, they actually think that they’re at school and what they’re being told is true.
“The notion of using children in all of this is scandalous and the politics of climate change has become poisonous.”
NSW Education Minister Sarah Mitchell tells Alan she does not support the strike.
“Skipping a day of school is not going to change the world.
“We’ve told departmental staff that they should not participate in such events while they’re on duty and they’re not entitled to pay for paid leave during this time to participate in such events.”
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Lord Christopher Monckton tells Alan Jones climate change is politicised.
“There’s a very large political element in this climate storyline but the science is collapsing in all directions.”
Click PLAY below to hear the full interview