Ray Hadley slams sympathisers of family who ‘usurped’ and ‘played the system’

Ray Hadley has taken aim at sympathisers of the Sri Lankan refugee family detained on Christmas Island for two years.
The federal Immigration Minister Alex Hawke announced this morning the Biloela family would be relocated to suburban Perth through community detention placement as the youngest daughter remains in hospital.
The government has come under fire for its treatment of the family, with Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese among many arguing the family should be allowed to return to Biloela.
“I’m not going to take lessons from the Labor Party, Anthony Albanese, or any spokesman or spokesperson in relation to immigration,” Ray Hadley said.
“Their claims that their lives will be under threat by the Sri Lankan government due to their pro-Tamil Tiger stance if they’re deported back to that country are not proven.”
Ray says the family’s history tells a different story to the asylum seeker claim put forward by Priya and Nades Murugappan.
“So yes, I know it’s emotional when there are children involved, but … let’s deal with the facts of these people who’ve usurped the system and played the system.
“Spare me the lectures, Anthony Albanese, … because you’re the last people to lecture anyone about how to keep our borders safe.”
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