CONFIRMED: Political editor tips it’s now or never for rumoured Nationals leadership spill

If the rumoured leadership spill within the National Party will take place, 4BC federal politics editor Michael Pachi is tipping it’ll happen today.
There’s suggestions Nationals members are pushing for a spill to oust the current leader and Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack and secure Barnaby Joyce’s return to the position.
“The question is though, Breenie, is whether or not he’s got the numbers to actually topple Michael McCormack,” Pachi told Neil Breen.
With a party room of 21 people in federal parliament, Mr Joyce would need to secure a total 11 votes in his favour.
“Whether any of this happens today remains to be seen,” Pachi said.
“The bottom line is if it’s going to happen, it’s going to happen now.
“We’ve got an election either at the end of this year or early next year … so if the National Party is going to make a change in their leadership ranks, they’re going to have to do it sooner rather than later.”
Press PLAY below to hear Pachi give a full breakdown of the rumours
Image: Nine News