Sydney international speedway debacle at Eastern Creek

The decision by the Perrottet State Government to build the Metro West rail
project between Parramatta and the CBD saw Speedway fans lose their coveted
Parramatta Speedway only to be promised a brand new facility at Eastern Creek.
Estimated to cost $40 million dollars the new facility under the poor guidance of
Andrew Constance ran well over budget topping a staggering $100 million.
However, drainage issues and other poorly designed features made the oval
circuit difficult for a promoter to make money and the incumbent operator was
forced to hand back the lease to the Government. Such was the poor budgeting
of the project that the operational costs of running this so-called International
Speedway venue are now so high that there are doubts it will ever be able to run
as a commercially viable venture. In the meantime, Sydney speedway fans are
left without a much-needed facility.
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