Revolutionised surgery tackling Australia’s number 1 killer
Our number 1 killer, one Australian dies every 27 minutes from heart diseases like hardening of the arteries, heart failure and valve problems.
In the last 100 years there have been brilliant advances in heart surgery – the heart lung machine and bypass surgery have revolutionised heart surgery and in turn other areas of medicine.
Surgeon Dr Emily Granger is one of only 13 female cardiothoracic surgeons in Australia and was one of the surgeons involved in the ‘Heart in a Box’ pioneering heart surgery.
Sydney Adventist Hospital, which has completed 18,000 cardiac surgeries since 1979 when it became the first private hospital in Australia to offer a fully integrated cardiac program, has recently completed the San Foundation donor supported $1 million refurbishment of a state of the art cardiothoracic operating theatre that Dr Granger says is an ‘operating theatre for the future’.
She joins John Stanley on Nights to detail their state of the art cardiothoracic theatre for heart surgery.
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