Managing fatigue is just so important on the long holiday drive

Off on the annual holiday drive and long hours behind the wheel – good posture behind the wheel is just so important and can lessen fatigue, which is one of the big killers on our roads.
Sitting too far or too close to the steering wheel can be tiring. As a guide, sit upright, stretch out your left arm so that the palm touches the top of the wheel, Adjust the seat length accordingly and bring the back of the seat up to give you good lumbar support.
Hold the wheel in the quarter to three or ten to two position with your elbows slightly bent. Taking a 15 minute break every two hours is just so important, rotating the passengers in the car, at the same time keeping an alert passenger in the front at all times. Glare is also a major contributor to fatigue, so pull the sun visor down and cut out as much clear sky as possible.
And importantly, remember, STOP, REVIVE, SURVIVE.
I’m David Berthon.
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