Lowest road toll since 1923 yet little mention of vehicle safety improvements
N.S.W. recorded 270 road deaths last year, the lowest figure in almost a century, the figures including driver’s, passengers, motorcyclists and cyclists. This compares with 231 road deaths in 1923. That year, there were only 68,398 vehicles registered on N.S.W. roads, in 2021, 5.8 million. The State Government in announcing the latest figures, suggested it met a target set in 2012 to reduce road fatalities by 30 percent by 2021.
Whilst Metropolitan Roads Minister Natalie Ward was quick to point out the $822 million Safer Roads Program was working, by reducing speed limits, upgrading intersections and constructing pedestrian crossings there was little mention of the huge improvements in vehicle safety in the last ten years. The age of our vehicle fleet has improved enormously with a big lift in active and passive safety elements. But of course, the Government will tell you the road toll improvement is due to its money raking mobile speed camera program.
I’m David Berthon
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