Great road safety initiative – NSW Motorists urged to contact Crime Stoppers to report anyone driving dangerously over the holiday period

A new road safety campaign by NSW Police this week is urging motorists to call Crime Stoppers over the holiday break to dob in drivers breaking the law. The campaign dubbed the Four D’s is targeting drink, drug, dangerous and distracted driving like using a mobile phone. I’m not talking about minor incidents but some I’ve personally witnessed of late indicate the driver in not in control of his or her senses. The latest data confirms drugs are now a factor in 20 per cent of road deaths, alcohol represented in 16 per cent. There’s no question a percentage of motorists today are driving with a residue of drugs and alcohol in their system – Importantly, advising Crime Stoppers of somebody driving erratically could well save an innocent person’s life – motorists urged to provide information such as time, date, location and car rego number as well as handing over any dash cam footage to support their claim.
I’m David Berthon
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