Christmas Long distance driving

I spent a lot of time behind the wheel just after Xmas – a long drive North to the Sunshine Coast something I haven’t done for some 12 years. The M1 still a single lane past Grafton and still waiting for a Coffs Harbour by-pass however where it’s now dual lanes it makes driving so much easier. I was particularly interested to see the behaviour of drivers and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised by what I saw – for the most part driver’s obeyed the posted speed limit, reduced their speed for road works and overtook in a responsible way. Only one gripe – Merging from side roads seems to be a major problem for many drivers – or perhaps they have a false impression of the rule – the NSW Roads and Maritime Road Users Handbook says “wait for a gap then increase your speed to safely merge with the traffic” From my observation many drivers expect right of way as they enter a motorway creating a dangerous situation. I’m David Berthon
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