Can Aussies separate sports and gambling?
Online gambling and gambling harm are the subject of a current parliamentary inquiry, which is reviewing existing consumer protections and gambling regulations and has already implemented harsher advertising warnings.
Sports betting platforms, in particular, have come under intense scrutiny, with some groups suggesting a ban on advertising at sporting events and during the broadcast of sporting events. There’s also increasing concern about how gambling ads affect young people who are exposed to them during sporting events as well as those struggling to overcome gambling addiction.
Bill Woods speaks with Dr Nicholas Richardson, UNSW Arts, Design & Architecture advertising and cultural studies lecturer, who says it’s time for a discussion about the meaning of sport spectatorship and what place gambling has within it.
“At the moment the conversation is very black and white. Sport betting is characterised as either a long-established Aussie pastime or it is an addictive social problem. The truth is more nuanced, as it can be both these things and more,” he says.
“This means that collectively, we have to unpack our culture’s obsession with gambling in connection with sporting events before we can see changes in the nature of gambling ads. Such a conversation will also be useful when it comes to encouraging behaviour change.”
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