Architect chimes in on Perrottet’s Sydney demolition list
Michael is joined by Shaun Carter, principal at Carter Williamson Architects & a former NSW president of Australian Institute of Architects, who is in furious agreement with most of NSW Treasurer Dominic Perrottet’s demolition hit list.
Treasurer Perrottet had proposed a list of 10 of Sydney’s iconic, but ugly, buildings he would bulldoze claiming the city is ‘marred by horrible architecture’ such as Cahill Expressway.
Mr Carter writes, ‘if we want a city of architectural beauty, particularly with our public domain and public buildings, then it needs the financial commitment to make it so.’
‘NSW’s architects, landscape architects and urban designers are some of the best in the world. We have the skills right here to deliver the Treasurer’s wish.’
‘What a boon for the economy and boost for the skills of our very own people that would be.’
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