Nationals to vote on new deputy amid spill speculation

The Nationals Party is preparing to replace their deputy as leader Michael McCormack fends off talk the top job is up for grabs.
Deputy Nationals leader Bridget McKenzie resigned on Sunday over the sports rorts scandal.
The Nationals will meet on Tuesday to decide who will replace Senator McKenzie as Deputy Leader, with rumours Mr McCormack’s role could be under threat as well.
Former Nationals’ leader Barnaby Joyce has said he will run for the leadership of the party if a spill is triggered.
NSW backbencher David Gillespie is one of the potential candidates for the deputy’s position along with Matt Canavan, David Littleproud and Queensland backbencher Keith Pitt.
Dr Gillespie has criticised Mr McCormack on his lack of media appearances, but he tells Deborah Knight the top job is not on the agenda.
“The opportunity for a replacement for Bridget has come up and we want effective people in the ministry.”
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Image: Getty/Michael Masters