‘Keep calling this out!’: Petrol price gougers in the spotlight

ACCC chairman Rod Sims is encouraging people to shun petrol retailers that are price gouging.
As world oil prices tumble to near-decade lows the Australian Consumer and Competition Commission is discouraging people from filling up at petrol stations which are overcharging.
The cheapest Unleaded fuel in Sydney is at an Independent service station in Villawood in Sydney’s south-west, selling for 95.9 cents a litre.
Mr Sims tells Alan Jones they’re keeping a close eye on the price gouging but have no powers to act on it.
“Prices now are way higher than they should be.
“World oil prices are falling, really we should be seeing prices around $1.10 or less.
“It’s just dreadful behaviour, but there’s no law against it.
“The only answer we’ve got is, keep calling this out!”
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Image: Getty/Sol de Zuasnabar Brebbia