Gym junkies and athletes warned of ‘high-risk’ supplement ingredients

Health and nutrition experts are welcoming a crackdown on dodgy sports supplements, but foods like protein powders and sports drinks remain unchallenged.
The Therapeutic Goods Administration has given manufacturers a 12-month deadline to get “high-risk” tablets, capsules or pills off supermarket shelves, and three years to comply with regulations on advertised health claims.
Monash University public health advocate Associate Professor Ken Harvey told Deborah Knight the TGA should be conducting random spot checks on all kinds of products.
“The problem is that there’s been a lot of dangerous and undeclared illegal ingredients in some of this stuff – things like anabolic steroids for example.
“It’s a bit of a race from the chemists to try and devise new things that will get around the rules and regulations.
“There’s no problem with taking a muesli bar or even having a protein shake … as long as that’s all it’s got in it.”
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