GetUp forced to explain ‘close links’ to charity organisation

The Federal Government will look into potential links between activist group GetUp and a not-for-profit company.
There are reports GetUp National Director Paul Oosting and senior staff were involved in the creation of Commons Library Limited, which is registered with the Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission.
Business records show the company was initially known as GetUp Commons Limited and operated under that name until December 2015.
Mr Oosting denies the left-wing activist organisation is claiming any sort of benefits, telling The Australian “we don’t have or want charity status”.
Assistant Finance and Charities Minister Zed Seselja tells Ray Hadley GetUp needs to be “transparent”.
“There used to be close links.
“I think it’s really important they come clean on the extent of these links, what kind of financial transactions might have taken place between the two entities.”
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