Federal government demands answers on bureau’s rebrand storm

The federal Environment Minister has asked for costs and contracts related to the Bureau of Meteorology’s rebrand after its announcement caused a stir yesterday.
In the midst of Victoria’s flooding crisis, the agency yesterday asked media outlets to update their style guides and no longer refer to it as ‘the BoM’ or ‘weather bureau’.
Instead, it wants journalists and presenters to use its full name in the first instance and ‘the bureau’ thereafter.
While the plans for the rebrand began 18 months ago, the timing was mocked widely on social media and appeared to have some federal politicians baffled.
“With the severe weather we’re experiencing right now, what matters is accurate and timely weather information for communities,” Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek posted on social media.
“I’ve asked for info about costs and contracts related to the Bureau of Meteorology’s ‘rebrand’ undertaken during the previous government.”
It’s understood the Bureau of Meteorology paid an external communications consultancy almost $70,000 on the exercise.
“It did lead us to start talking about re-brandings, or useless re-brandings, or good ones as well,” Mark Hine said on 4BC Breakfast.
Press PLAY below to hear Laurel, Gary & Mark round up some of the worst (and most expensive) rebrands
Image: Sam Mooy/Getty Images