Extreme fire conditions could spell trouble for koalas

Sue Ashton, President of The Koala Hospital Port Macquarie, joins Michael to talk about concerns that the current extreme fire conditions could spell more trouble for the area’s koala population.
Fire recently ripped through vital koala habitat in the Lake Innes Nature Reserve area and koala experts are concerned the extreme fire conditions could impact koala populations west of Wauchope and at Dunbogan.
“With a state of emergency being called across all of NSW, we are very, very concerned,” Mrs Ashton said.
“Port Macquarie is currently surrounded by fires. If the wind picks up, we could lose even more habitat and more koalas.
“It’s just so unpredictable – we don’t know what will happen.”
The Koala Hospital established in 1973 is an activity of the Koala Conservation Australia Incorporated – a Not-for-Profit Organisation which is recognised world-wide as a peak body which participates in forums for debate on significant policy issues and plays a significant leadership role in research, providing advice and information to Universities and Governments regulating change.
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