Elon Musk has lost more than $400 million a day this year

Elon Musk’s fortune has shrunk by more than $153 billion AUD after shares of Tesla plummeted to the lowest value in two years.
The Tesla co-founder is still the world’s richest man, with an estimated worth of around $257 billion AUD but it’s a far cry from last year’s excess of $500 billion.
It means he’s bled around $419 million AUD every day this year.
In the past year, Musk acquired Twitter for a whopping $66 billion AUD while Tesla’s stock value fell by 59 per cent as demand for electric vehicles slowed.
It comes as investors reportedly question whether Musk is spreading himself too thin across his high-profile ventures.
Tesla’s dependence on the billionaire is listed as a risk factor in its security filings, saying “he does not devote his full time and attention to Tesla”.
Musk is still estimated to be around 227,000 times richer than the average American household.
Image: Patrick Pleul – Pool/Getty Images