Donate to those in need via the Bushfire Appeal

Bushfires are currently devastating large parts of New South Wales and Queensland… and help is needed.
Hundreds of homes and businesses have been destroyed, and tragically, lives have been lost.
That’s why Nine – the owner of 2GB/4BC – and NRMA Insurance have partnered to help the Vinnies Bushfire Appeal.
St Vincent de Paul is on the ground helping families as they struggle with the task of rebuilding their lives.
With your support Vinnies can:
● Help families with emergency and short-term accommodation
● Pay unexpected bills as families work through the recovery process
● And help keep people fed and their spirits high
Your support is needed… please help those affected by the bushfires by making a donation now.
Every cent donated will go to those in need.
Call 13 18 12 or donate online at
St Vincent de Paul CEO Jack de Groot spoke with Alan Jones after launching the appeal.
He’s promised Vinnies will be there, helping those in need for as long as necessary.
“We have to rebuild lives, rebuild community and that’s what the support of the bushfire appeal will do.”
Click PLAY below to hear the full interview