Deborah Knight backs an increase to the dole

Deborah Knight is backing a raise to Newstart after a Nationals MP broke ranks and renewed pressure for the increase.
The current allowance of $280 a week, in real terms, has not gone up in 20 years.
Nationals MP Pat Conaghan is calling on the Coalition to raise Newstart by $75 a week.
He’s joined a number of colleagues, including Barnaby Joyce and former prime minister John Howard.
The Cowper MP says children in his electorate are going to school hungry and living under the poverty line.
Deborah Knight has backed the call, saying Newstart needs to be increased to stop kids from starving.
“To have kids going hungry… if that’s happening in a country like Australia, I don’t think that’s good enough.
“I think we’ve got to prioritise people and poverty over a budget surplus.”
Click PLAY below to hear Deborah’s comments in full
Background image: Getty/Dan Kenyon