Does daylight saving have a place in Queensland?

Parts of Australia are welcoming daylight saving this week, but should Queensland adopt it?
Clocks in NSW will be brought forward one hour at 2am on Sunday, October 6.
Daylight saving has been around since about 1971 but Queensland, Western Australia and the Northern Territory have rejected it.
Alan Jones says daylight saving is causing too much disruption.
“We have five different time zones in Australia, that is madness!” Alan.
Graeme Brittenden claims the “current version of daylight saving is obsolete” and is costing the economy billions of dollars a year.
Mr Brittenden tells Alan the clocks should be moved forward by half an hour on the east coast.
He says having a central Australia time would be unrealistic.
“We could never have that because of the width of our nation.
“I’ll back my solution against anything else that’s on the table.”
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