Daughter of ‘Putin’s Brain’ killed by car bomb

The daughter of an influential Russian theorist, often referred to as ‘Putin’s Brain’ has been killed in a car bombing.
Officials yesterday said preliminary information indicated a bomb had been planted in the SUV driven by Darya Dugina exploded on Saturday night and killed the TV commentator.
It’s thought Dugina’s father, Alexander Dugin, may have been the intended target of the attack.
Dugin is a prominent supporter of sending troops into Ukraine and of the ‘Russian World’ concept.
Former Ukrainian deputy defence minister Alina Frolova says her country is denying involvement.
“I’m not so sure that that’s Ukrainian,” she said. “Probably, it could be some internal battles or some internal fights.
“Anyway, he and his daughter, they were promoting this ideology of hatred, of eliminating Ukrainians.”
The explosion occurred when Dugina was returning from a cultural festival she had attended with Dugin.
Some Russian media reports claim the SUV belonged to Dugin but he had decided to travel in another vehicle at the last minute.