Dairy farmers forced to sign confidentiality agreement ahead of crucial meeting

Dairy farmers are being forced to sign a confidentiality agreement ahead of a meeting to discuss milk prices.
Industry stakeholders will attend a meeting in Sydney today, discussing a new code of conduct.
The code will include a provision allowing farmers to supply to more than one processor but could also see processors allowed to make unilateral changes to contracts.
One Nation leader Pauline Hanson tells Alan Jones she has serious concerns.
“These are people, representative bodies of the dairy industry.
“They can’t go back and take any information from that forum to tell their members about it.
“So how do we know what the hell they’re talking about, what they are actually going to put in the code of conduct, if they can’t converse that with their members?”
Alan Jones agrees saying, “that’s the sort of stuff that would happen in Hong Kong, Beijing and Moscow.”
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Image: Getty/Lisa Maree Williams