Churches move Easter spirit online

Places of worship might be closed this year, but the Easter spirit is still strong with churches sending their services straight into people’s homes.
For many Australians Easter is an important time of year, however, worshipers are being told to stay at home because of social distancing rules, and to connect with church services online instead.
Sydney Anglican Archbishop Dr Glenn Davies tells Deborah Knight he’s finding he’s reaching more people than he normally would by streaming services online.
Archbishop Davies says while some churches are streaming services live, he prefers to pre-record his to avoid technical glitches and to ensure worshipers have an engaging service.
“What it makes us realise is that people who are lonely, housebound for various reasons, and now they’re cut off from social connection.. the wonderful message of Easter is God doesn’t keep at a social distance, he comes right into our space, right into our lives.”
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