CEO Sleepout a lesson in empathy to put housing security ‘on the agenda’

Vinnies is more than three quarters of the way to its $8 million fundraising goal ahead of tomorrow night’s CEO Sleepout for homeless Australians.
Deborah Knight is emceeing the event from White Bay Cruise Terminal in Balmain, where 2GB’s Joe Hildebrand will sleep rough, while 4BC’s Max Dudley will take part in Brisbane.
Vinnies NSW CEO Jack De Groot told Deborah the leaders taking part are encouraged to reflect on the experience, and use their influence to effect change.
“Every day, [they] have the ability to put the big social questions, particularly homelessness [and] the lack of affordable housing … on the agenda.
“One of the things that we do at every CEO Sleepout is make sure that people with the lived experience of being homeless actually are there, and … tell their story.
“It’s not often far away from our experience – sometimes only a couple of paychecks.”
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