Centrelink sidesteps CRN amid unprecedented demand

MyGov users not currently linked with Centrelink will now be prompted by a log-in message to register for support payments if financially affected by COVID-19.
The new ‘intent to claim’ option allows users to submit their contact details to Centrelink, without needing a CRN. If approved, payments will be backpaid from the date the claim was lodged.
Services Australia General Manager Hank Jongen spoke with Deborah Knight to clarify the new measures, and answer questions from listeners.
“You don’t need to queue, you don’t need to ring us.
“All you have to do is log-in to your MyGov account.
“Hit that ‘intent to claim’ button and then we will contact you.”
Mr Jongen says he is mobilising all Centrelink call centre staff, and hiring new staff to cope with the unprecedented demand.
2.3 million Australians have logged in to the MyGov website in 24 hours.
Click PLAY below to hear the full interview
Image: Twitter/ Hannah Sinclair