Barnaby Joyce fails in bid to take Nationals Party leadership

Michael McCormack has retained the leadership of the National Party after defeating a leadership coup brought on by Barnaby Joyce.
It’s believed Mr McCormack only narrowly survived, with reports suggesting he defeated Mr Joyce 11 votes to 10.
David Littleproud has been installed as the new Deputy Leader, replacing Bridget McKenzie, who resigned from her ministerial role over the sports rorts scandal. She will remain leader of the Nationals in the Senate.
The Deputy Prime Minister addressed the media, saying he shook hands with Barnaby Joyce after the partyroom meeting.
“I look forward to working and continuing to work with Barnaby Joyce.
“I don’t expect him to challenge again. I’ve been endorsed as the leader… three times in less than two years. I think that’s enough to warrant me leading the party going forward.”
In a statement to the media, Mr Joyce congratulated Mr McCormack.
“I support the vote of the room and will strive for the re-election of a Morrison McCormack Government as this is definitely the better outcome for Australia and especially of regional people,” he wrote.
The same support wasn’t extended to former resources minister Matt Canavan who resigned his post ahead of the vote, backing Barnaby Joyce.
“Matt Canavan has resigned his commission as the Resources Minister, and I wish him all the best,” said Mr McCormack.
Image: SMH/Alex Ellinghausen