A further three people catch COVID-19 from flight attendant

A further three people have tested positive to COVID-19 in Brisbane, all linked to the flight attendant identified with the alpha variant on Sunday.
Deputy Premier Steven Miles says a manager at the Ellen Grove restaurant, and two further close contacts, have now returned positive tests.
Being identified as close contacts, all three have been isolating since Sunday afternoon.
“The fact that all of these cases were in … quarantine is a credit to our contact tracers, who’ve done a fantastic job, and of course all of those people who come forward as contacts of those cases,” Dr Miles said.
Chief Health Officer Jeannette Young emphasised Brisbane is dealing with the alpha variant of COVID-19, which is known to be less contagious than the delta variant at the heart of Sydney’s outbreak.
“I’m not concerned that any of these three cases are a risk to the Queensland community,” she said.
“We now do have everyone in quarantine that we believe was at risk.”
Dr Miles reiterated newly introduced restrictions against people from Greater Sydney entering Queensland, saying 20 have already been turned back to Sydney this morning.
“We would like to send a message to anyone in Sydney who is thinking of coming up to Queensland: please don’t.”
“If you fly into Brisbane or the Gold Coast and you are not permitted to enter, you will be turned around.”
Dr Young also discouraged Queenslanders from travelling to anywhere in New South Wales, unless for an “urgent, unavoidable reason”.
“We don’t know what’s going to happen going forward. This could rapidly escalate.”
Image: Nine News