Bondi residents suggest volleyball be banned for beachgoers

Residents in Bondi want beach volleyball banned on the public beach, calling for the permanent nets to pulled down, despite their location in a dedicated area.
It’s been suggested the sport is unsafe at such a busy location, with beachgoers risking a hit on the head with a volleyball.
But other residents disagree, arguing the sport, much like cricket or frisbee, is part of the beach culture.
The local council has launched a feedback form to settle the dispute.
Deborah Knight was critical of the proposal, pointing out the already extensive list of beach rules.
“What about if you get out the bat and ball and want to have a hit of beach cricket on Bondi? Sent to the lock-up!”
Press PLAY below to hear Deborah Knight’s comments in full
Listeners reported divided opinions on the matter to Deborah Knight.
Gavin called in to tell Deborah bans are taking away from Australians’ rights to be “party people”.
“Why are all these do-gooders and party-poopers getting away with this?”
But listener Tim could see some merit to the idea, reporting Coogee Beach suffers from stray volleyballs hitting the Coogee Pavilion 25 metres away.
Press PLAY below to hear listeners give feedback on the idea
Image: Getty