Alan Jones vows to name and shame exploitative landlords

Alan Jones says he’ll be the “bad cop”, naming and shaming landlords who exploit the struggling retail sector.
Mark McInnes, CEO of Premier Investments, tells Alan Jones, “We’re operating in uncertain times.”
He says Premier Investments, which owns Just Group brands including Just Jeans, Dotti and Smiggle, are struggling to get enough foot traffic in their stores to pay the rent.
“Not one landlord has rung me to say ‘Mark, for the next 30, 60, 90 days, don’t pay any rent, or pay a percentage of sales to keep people employed’.
“Not one single landlord has tried to keep anybody in a job.”
Alan had a clear rebuke for those not lending a helping hand.
“Stick up your heads all you landlords, and just pretend for one moment that you’re actually part of the community.”
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While retail has been hit hard, the hospitality industry has been hit even harder by forced closures.
Celebrity chef and restaurateur Matt Moran says Woollahra council have saved his Chiswick restaurant with a six-month rent freeze, but others need to step up.
“We need the government to step in with other landlords… and give us some sort of relief.
“It’s hard not having any trade and still trying to keep these places afloat.”
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Image: Getty/Naomi Rahim