Alan Jones takes the PM to task over the drought in heated interview

Alan Jones has taken the Prime Minister to task in a heated interview about the ongoing drought crippling rural Australia.
Scott Morrison is hitting back at criticism of the government’s drought relief programs, insisting they are investing in immediate and long-term solutions.
The PM says he’s delivering on what he promised, putting an additional $318.5 million into helping struggling farmers.
“Wherever you look at it, it’s meeting the immediate needs of farmers,” he tells Alan Jones.
“It’s about meeting the needs in communities that are affected by the drought and then it’s investing for the longer term in the water infrastructure.”
Alan Jones came down hard on the Prime Minister, demanding to know what is being done right now.
“Prime Minister, they’re gone. They’re gone! They can’t survive today. I’m not talking about long-term viability, what can you do today?”
Mr Morrison eventually admitted there’s very little his government can do to fix the situation.
“We can’t kid ourselves that there’s a magic wand and a magic cash splash that’s going to make this thing totally solved.”
Click PLAY below to hear the full interview
The openline went into meltdown in response to the Prime Minister’s interview.
Listeners were shocked and disappointed at Mr Morrison’s answers, with some calling for him to resign.
Jim: “I’m just devastated. This guy’s a waste of space. I just can’t believe it.”
Michelle: “I’m a dairy farmer’s daughter. That interview should sign the end of his Prime Ministership. Just absolutely diabolical.”
Robert: “My blood’s boiling after hearing that. Complete failure as a Prime Minister. He’s arrogant. They’ve been conning the public after the election.”
Anna: “I felt like putting my fist through the radio listening to Scott Morrison this morning.”
Chris: “He’s a failure!”
Click PLAY below to hear the passionate response from listeners
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