Alan Jones backs Cathy Freeman’s call to change the national anthem

Alan Jones has thrown his support behind a call to change the national anthem.
Legendary indigenous-Australian athlete Cathy Freeman has backed the Recognition in Anthem Project‘s (RAP) proposed changes, which aim “to achieve recognition of Australian values and our First Peoples in the Australian National Anthem”.
The Australian National Anthem was first performed in 1878 but has had the lyrics revised three times to adjust to significant social and political change.
The RAP’s proposal calls for just one word to be changed in the first verse and would see the second and third verses replaced entirely (see below).
The change would get rid of the concept that Australia is a “young” nation, recognising Aboriginals have been here for 60,000 years as the oldest civilisation on earth.
Australians all let us rejoice for we are young and free.Revised
Australians all let us rejoice for we are one and free.
Alan Jones has described the changes as “contemporary and sensible” and says, “if that’s the change that’s needed, it’s not worth carrying on”.
“I don’t think any sensible person would have a problem with that. I don’t have any problem with that at all.
“I think the changes are very contemporary and sensible.”
Click PLAY below to hear Alan’s full comments
Ray Hadley says he also supports the move to change the anthem.
“If one word is going to solve this problem, one for young, just change it.”
He says this will have a flow-on effect in the sporting world.
“Then the ARL commission won’t have to have a discussion about whether they’re going to play the national anthem at the Origin match because it might offend some people.”
Click PLAY below to hear Ray’s full comments
Verse 2
For sixty thousand years and more
First peoples of this land
Sustained by Country, Dreaming told
By song and artist’s hand.
Unite our cultures from afar
In peace with those first here
To walk together on this soil
Respect for all grows there.
From everywhere on Earth we sing, Advance Australia Fair.
Verse 3
In times of drought and flood and fire
When all but hope is gone
Australians join with helping hands
And wattle blooms again.
Tomorrow may this timeless land
Live for our young to share
From red-rock heart to sun-filled shore
Our country free and fair.
Beneath the Southern Cross we sing, Advance Australia Fair.
Image: Getty/Eric Feferberg