Agriculture Minister reveals truth behind rumours of China’s latest import ban

Agriculture Minister David Littleproud reveals there’s valid reasons behind a new import ban by China.
Shipments of timber logs from Victoria have become the latest Australian export to be banned by China after claims of live bark beetles being found.
David Littleproud told Deborah Knight, whilst other bans may be of concern, “there is some credence to their claim” around the live insects.
“We suspect that the reason is the fumigation that’s used on these logs hasn’t been effective.
“The majority of the logs going over were burnt ones out of the black summer event this year.”
Mr Littleproud warned against spreading unfounded rumours about the latest bans.
“If we go down the rumour track, what that does is it creates an artificial market mechanism and force that isn’t productive; in fact it does more damage.”
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